Sunday 13 April 2008

The Liar

Currently I am engrossed in Stephen Fry's novel 'The Liar'. I love this book, the depth of it's humour at time reaches the depths of the gutter but with Fry's flair for language it manages to come up smelling of roses. Riotous from the beginning this is an instant classic, this is a book i expect to become more dog earred and thumbed as the years go on as I could easily read this novel again and again and again. A story for all those with an irreverant sense of humour, an appreciation for well written and clerverly structured stories and characters so real they practically get up and walk off the page.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Keith Richards

Keith Richards was appointed to be the face of Louis Vuitton luggage earlier this month in a bid to win back old customers who have no time for it's fashion status and oddly i think Keith Richards compliments the brands. They say they want to remind customers of the heritage and history of the luggage and handbag brand rather than it's status as a cult fashion label. There's something in Keith Richards that makes him attractive, the ad campaign restores that timelessness to the brand.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Seconds fell like thunder all around me

So I'm holed up in my bedroom with my mind buzzing and no matter how hard I try sleep simply does not want to come to me. My mind is teaming with questions and I don't really know the answer to any of them suffice to say they don't need to be laid outin full here but to cut a long story short I guess U'll just sum it up as Where am I going?

I don't know but I feel motivated and encouraged enough to know I'm going somewhere provided I have the motivational drive to get me there, oh well... I wish motivation was like a bus which just came along when it was all windy and rianey outside and rescued you or like a tablet perscribed by your pharmasist when you needed some.

Anyhow, I went to Urban Outfitters today and demanded my poor long suffering boyfriend buy me the entire shop including all the mens stuff but in particular i wanted a lovely delicate casio watch in gold, a retro star wars t-shirt, some nice picture frames and this amazing clock:
If you also want to get yourself this do it yourself clock you can get it here or here

Currently reading: The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon

Sunday 2 March 2008

All on a golden afternoon

I have had the loveliest Sunday. Sundays are really quite nice days and we have got home just before the rain has hit, score.

Today myself and the mister went out on a jaunt around the Botanic Gardens, into the Palm house, to Maggie Mays for lunch and then on to the Cancer Research shop where i got the loveliest edition of 'The Curiosity Shop' for £3.50. We went back through Botanic Gardens and found a really adorable bit in the middle which from now on shall be known as the secret garden.

Now I'm drinking Inspiration Tea and listening to classical music, today was lovely.