Sunday 9 March 2008

Seconds fell like thunder all around me

So I'm holed up in my bedroom with my mind buzzing and no matter how hard I try sleep simply does not want to come to me. My mind is teaming with questions and I don't really know the answer to any of them suffice to say they don't need to be laid outin full here but to cut a long story short I guess U'll just sum it up as Where am I going?

I don't know but I feel motivated and encouraged enough to know I'm going somewhere provided I have the motivational drive to get me there, oh well... I wish motivation was like a bus which just came along when it was all windy and rianey outside and rescued you or like a tablet perscribed by your pharmasist when you needed some.

Anyhow, I went to Urban Outfitters today and demanded my poor long suffering boyfriend buy me the entire shop including all the mens stuff but in particular i wanted a lovely delicate casio watch in gold, a retro star wars t-shirt, some nice picture frames and this amazing clock:
If you also want to get yourself this do it yourself clock you can get it here or here

Currently reading: The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon

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